Sunday, August 16, 2009

Brisbane Trip

So after surfing a came back to my apartment, packed up my stuff, picked Sarah, Jenny, Noelle and Cooper in great white and we headed towards Brisbane. The drive only took about 50 min but then it took us another 20 min to find our hostel but we got to drive around and see the city a bit so it wasn’t to bad. We stayed at Brisbane Backpackers Resort, which as far as hostels go was really nice. We had a six-person room with our own bathroom and balcony. The hostel also had a free shuttle that takes you into downtown every hour, so we took advantage of that and went into the city to walk around. We went to outdoor mall area that was huge and super crowed but pretty cool, defiantly a change from gold coast.
We had some lunch and shopped around for a while. Then we got a shuttle back to the hostel and relaxed for a while. Later on we had a drink at happy hour before Keith (an aussie that the girls had meet on their trip to Frasher island) picked us up to go to dinner. We had to wait 40 min for dinner so we went and got a drink at bar down the street. We also met up with Molly, another DU’er who goes to Griffith in Brisbane. We had dinner at this Japanese place, which was very good, and not to expensive. Then keith drove us to “the point” which is a big hill that over looks the city. The skyline at night was very beautiful.
He then dropped us off at the casino, so he could take his car home. Once he returned we bar hopped around for a while until it was very late and we got a taxi back to the hostel. It was really awesome to have Keith leading us around and knowing were to go because we would have all been clueless, so cheers to him. The next morning we woke up, packed up, checked out and headed north to the Australia Zoo “Home of the Crocodile Hunter.” After about an hour drive we arrived and headed in. We saw tons of crocodiles, including a 14 foot salty, dingos, kangaroos, wombats, all the venomous snakes of Australia, elephants, tigers, koalas, tree kangaroos, tons of birds and probably some other stuff that I can’t remember. We also saw the famous croc show in the crocosum where they get in the pen with the crocs and feed them.
My favorite part of the day was series of photos I took of a tiger jumping out of the water in its enclosure.

By 3 o’clock we were all pretty tired so we got back in great white and headed back to the gold coast. Overall it was an awesome trip and it felt great to get out and see something new and different. That’s it for now; time to get some needed sleep so I can surf early tomorrow.


P.S. I put a bunch of new photos from the weekend up my flickr page which you can get to by the link at the top right of this page

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