Monday, October 12, 2009

Surf Trip Day 5&6

Day 5
I woke up early and checked the beach, the waves were still to rough to surf, bummer. After waking the boys, we had some breakfast, packed up camp and drove to Point Plomer. We stopped in Cresent Head but there were no waves so we got some beer, ice and water. Drove 15 km’s to Point Plomer on mostly very rough dirt roads.
We got the campsite to see just as in Cresent, the point break was TINY. The swell direction was south pretty much the entire trip which meant that all the right hand point breaks that Australia is known for were getting no swell. We checked the back beach, which was rough, but some were ride-able. The boys decided to give it a try, I decided to take some pics and hike around the cool rock formations instead.
Sammy on a tough paddle out
After that we went back to the campsite, ate some lunch, and hung out, Will, Sammy and I attempted to ride some of the extremely small waves on the point. It was really shallow with big rocks everywhere so even when I caught the smallest wave of my life it was kinda of scary cause I didn’t want to hit a sharp rock. Will and I paddled out around the point and did some “drriffttting” (floating around) which was very relaxing. We setup camp and collected wood, then got started on dinner. Cooked some sausage and mash potatoes for dinner. Drank some beers and hung around the fire till around 10 when we went to bed.
Day 6
I woke up early, had breakfast and went to look at the surf. I checked back beach, which was still a bit sloppy. I climbed down this massive rock to another beach and then found a trail to Queen’s Head where the surf looked pretty good.
Queen's Head
Told the boys about it and we walked to the beach. There was a nice left coming off the rocks but it was kind of sketchy because of a big pile of rocks just underneath the water right in the take of area. There was also a big rip sucking out so you had to constantly paddle in to stay in the line up. I got a few good lefts before I got to tired of battling the current and moved over to the away from the rocks. Got a few more waves over there before going in for some lunch. Had a sandwich, packed up camp and drove back to Queen’s Head for another session. I went in with boardies and a top but only got a few good waves before getting to cold, so I got out. I took some pictures of the boys from up on the headlands.
Sammy and Will sharing one



My shooting spot

We then got in the car and drove to diamond head. Stopped on the way and got a few groceries and I got some much-needed snacks. Got to the campsite decide to stay at Kylie’s beach site instead of Diamond Head. We got a great spot in the trees that had a bunch of wood people had left when they had to evacuate for a bush fire. Setup camp, made a huge fire with all the wood we had, drank some beers. We made chicken and pasta for dinner. After hang around the fire for a while we headed to bed.

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