Sunday, October 11, 2009

Surf Trip Day 3&4

Day 3

I woke up to watch the sunrise on the beach, took some photos and then went back to bed till around 730. Woke the boys up, we had some cereal and then went for a surf.

Pretty much the same conditions as the day before maybe a little bigger. We saw some Wales further out and I saw one jump. After a 2 hour session, we came back to camp, packed up and headed out. We stopped at Woolworths on the way to get a bunch for food because we were not getting enough food at meals and surfing makes you incredibly hungry. We got some sausage and chicken to grill and cold cuts for sandwiches and of course more PB&J. We then drove (saved a turtle from being run over along the way) to where I thought the Valla beach campground was but apparently it did not exist which was odd. We drove around trying to find it for a bit then headed a little further south to Nambucca heads. Eventually decided to stay at a caravan park there even though we weren’t to stoked on it. Ended up being nice because we had access to a full kitchen so making food was easy.

We had sausages and pasta and beers for dinner. We wanted to sleep outside so we took our mattresses out of the tents and put them on the grass. I slept most of the night outside but eventually moved into my tent because I was having trouble sleeping.

Day 4

I woke up early again to watch the sunrise on the beach and unfortunately saw that there was no surf. I woke the boys up, we cooked breakfast complete with eggs, sausage and some cereal. Went for a quick swim and then headed out. Had to turn around and come back after 20 min of driving because we left our lunchmeats in the refrigerator at the park. Then drove to smoky cape. Checked out the lighthouse, which had beautiful views and saw that the swell was pretty big here.

Our campground was down on the right

Will checking out "Pirate's Cove"

Went to the campground which is on the beach, checked out the surf and it was to rough and messy to go out. So we had some lunch at our camp ground and then headed to out to try to find some surf-able waves.

Kookaburras on a tree at our site

Trying to find surf

We went north first but it was to flat around the point so we then went about 20 min south to the opposite end of the beach but there was no surf inside the point and it was to rough on the other side. So we headed back, went to the lighthouse to check out this beautiful beach right below it to the north which we named "pirate's cove". We walked down an extremely long and rocky path with no shoes (so painful) to get to the beach. After “pirating” around for a while we realized we didn’t want to walk up the path again with no shoes (it was that bad) So borrowed shoes from this dad of a family who were the only other people on the beach. I ran up the trail to the car (which was a full work out) and got everyone’s shoes.

Rocky trail of death


We then explored some more, and just relaxed watching the waves. It surf was a little cleaner here and some waves were defiantly ride able, especially this one left that would break but it really powerful and to rocky to risk going out.

Sea Salt

After the sun went behind then hills we headed back to the camp site We gathered fire wood, and setup camp before starting on dinner. Will cooked the chicken over the fire, sammy and I cooked pasta on the stove. It was delicious. A big Kangaroo hopped right through camp while we were cooking. Will and Sammy’s friends Gus and Brooks somehow managed to find us in this large dark campground. After they got setup up we sat around the fire, sang some songs, had some laughs. Saw a possum in the trees, which then came down close to our camp. Went to bed pretty early again around 10.

To be continued...

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